Sunday, February 24, 2013


While I was living in Colorado Springs, I was told this story about the Moravian movement:

There were two young men from Hernhut, Germany who found out there was a population of about 2000-3000 slaves who never heard the Gospel preached.  It wasn't allowed on the Caribbean island of St. Thomas where they resided. Distraught by the news and wanting to be obedient, they sold themselves into slavery for the price of a one-way ticket to St. Thomas.

Their friends and family came to see them off knowing full well they would never see each other again.  As they set off, one of the young men yelled to them, "May the lamb that was slain receive the reward for his suffering."


Am I willing to sacrifice myself for the sake of what Christ did for me? Do I feel the sense of urgency to reach out to those who don't know His story?

Scale it back a little bit:

Do I even have an inkling of the sacrifice Christ went through to make a way for me?

1 comment:

  1. Oh man... that challenged me Alleli! That is a really cool story. It's so weird because as I am sitting here thinking about it I think Yea of course I would do something like that and then I look at my life and I get nervous to just talk about things that may make others uncomfortable. I want to allow my life to look more like theirs! That is amazing.
