Sunday, September 16, 2012

Back home

Back home, I had my sound guy.  Actually, he was more my slides and lights guy who also happened to do a little bit of sound.  When the mics were hot and the lights were on (and just as hot), we were tight. He was very much another part of the band.

When I wanted to switch to a song that wasn't in our list for the night, he had it ready by the time I started singing the first verse.  When I was going to do a stomp in a song, he'd dip the lights and bring them back up when the band came back in.  When I was going to say something, he'd make sure all of the other instruments came down in the mix in time to hear my first word.

That guy....a very, very hard man to replace.

Yet, sometimes I have to be that person.  I need to know those basics- up, down, mix, balance, listen, respond. What a daunting task! But I ask myself- am I the most effective worship leader I can be if I don't at least have an elementary grasp on the technical side of service?

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